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The driving forces behind Halter are smart, experienced entrepreneurs with a high degree of technical knowledge and cross-border ambitions. When Halter called on us, the company already had an incredibly well thought out product and a plan to conquer to the world. We came on board by developing the right positioning and outlining a communication strategy.
Through a brand workshop, we identified the Halter team’s real goal, corporate DNA, core values and message. The goal was immediately clear to us: substantial growth in the field of CNC automation with the HALTER LoadAssistant as the most important product. It wasn’t about the product though, that had been worked out in detail. The HALTER LoadAssistant is a very smart robot arm. Well thought out, innovative and user-friendly. What it lacked was recognition, both in terms of the product and Halter as a manufacturer and brand. With reliable quality and excellent service as the most important core values, we started developing the new positioning to achieve Halter’s growth.
Together we devised a new proposition: Committed to performance. Dedicated to deliver. As a relatively unknown player, we positioned Halter as a thought leader in the CNC automation market. How? By offering proof and giving Halter their first (literal) platform with a professional stand at EMO Hannover 2019. With over 117,000 visitors from 150 countries, EMO Hannover is one of the world’s biggest metalworking trade fairs. Participation at EMO with a professional stand was an important and successful first step in Halter’s new positioning as a thought leader, and it completely exceeded objectives.
The second step was to work on Halter’s growth: more recognition, wider international reach, bigger sales and higher turnover. Online marketing and marketing automation were the most important tools used to achieve that growth. We developed a new website in HubSpot. This enabled us to personally approach different target audiences with focused messages. Halter’s website is much more than just an online business card. It’s an important marketing tool for generating leads and facilitating Halter’s growth. We developed various buyer personas to guide our online marketing. As soon as a buyer persona caught on, marketing automation was set in motion to turn a lead into a qualified one. It’s a personal, goal-focused approach that’s proved itself in today’s marketing world and fits well with Halter’s way of working.
And now? Now it’s a question of measuring results, further development, improvement and working on the continuous growth of the Halter brand in general and more specifically, sales of the HALTER LoadAssistant. We established the positioning in 2019. In 2020, we have rolled out a communication strategy to enable Halter to grow, and we’re taking the time to develop this further. From Q3 2020, everything is focused on a constant stream of leads generated by optimal online marketing and marketing automation. But it doesn’t stop there. Then it’s a case of more measurement, analysis and improvement as part of continuous work on a successful communication strategy.
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